SEW DT/DV series brake motor
Product Name: DT/DV series AC motor · 产品参数 Product parameters 优势 Advantage 1. 最小空间要求 1 the minimum space requirements 2. 灵活和坚固的设计 Design of 2 flexible and strong 3. 多种组合,低噪音运行 3 kinds of combination, low noise operation DT / DV 系列 DT / DV series DT/DV系列AC电机和AC制动电机可以与SEW - EURODRIVE的标准减速机完美组合。可以提供适合各种应用场合的电机:2、4、6、8极或双速电机。 SEW - EURODRIVE的制动电机集成DC安全盘式制动器。制动控制模块安装在接线盒,也可选择安装在控制柜中。获得专利的双线圈制动系统拥有更短的制动和释放响应时间,利于高起动频率和精确定位。 DT/DV series AC motor and AC motor brake can be the standard speed reducer perfect combination with SEW - EURODRIVE. Can provide motor is suitable for various occasions: 2, 4, 6, 8 or two speed motor. Brake motor integrated DC security SEW - EURODRIVE disc brake. Brake control module is arranged in the junction box, can also choose to install in the control cabinet. Brake get double ring braking system patent has shorter response time and release, the high frequency of starting and precise positioning |